Good Neighbors Credit Union

Walter J. Kostecky Memorial Scholarship

Good Neighbors Credit Union sponsors this annual scholarship for our members who are in good standing that have completed at least one year of an accredited 2 or 4 year educational institution. We will award multiple scholarships in memory of Walter J. Kostecky, a dedicated credit union volunteer. 
Please see the application prompt below: 

You may respond to the topic prompt below in the form of any artistic medium, PowerPoint presentation, musical offering, video, or written essay (minimum 300 words for essay). Use your imagination!

TOPIC: Explore Cooperative Values: Reflect on Your Impact in the Community!

Good Neighbors Credit Union is a member-owned cooperative. Cooperatives operate with values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity. 

For this project, please reflect on one or two of the cooperative values, your own life and community involvement. Which of these values resonates most with you? How are you actively embodying these values in your own day to day?

Share your experiences and insights on the importance of community involvement and volunteering, emphasizing the positive impact it has on both individuals and society as a whole. Feel free to give current examples and/or put together a plan as to how you could potentially put these into action in the future.

Please use clear examples and check for spelling and grammar.


Applicants must meet all of the following criteria: 

  • Must be members in good standing at the Good Neighbors Credit Union.
  • Must have COMPLETED at least one year in an accredited two or four year educational institution.
  • Scholarship funds must be used at an accredited two or four year educational institution.
  • Only one application per student may be submitted.


  • Please provide the following information: name, address, phone number, email address, name of college, date enrolled, major and/or degree sought, expected graduation date.
  • Submit a college transcript including GPA with your application. The transcript may be “unofficial” but MUST be included.
  • Respond to the scholarship topic prompt.
  • Include the following certification with your application: “I certify that this information is true, complete, and accurate. I authorize the release of this information to confirm and/or verify this application. I authorize the release of my name, school, and any award granted in public and media announcements. In addition, I give permission to duplicate my application packet for processing and evaluation by the Scholarship Committee.“


Email completed applications to: KAREN@GOODNEIGHBORSCU.COM 
Applications are due July 31, 2024
Applications may also be mailed or delivered to: 
Good Neighbors Credit Union 
ATTN: Scholarship Committee 
30 Brunswick Road, Depew, NY 14043